Welcome to the Tyareh website. The purpose of this website is twofold: first is to educate those interested in the history of the formidable independent Assyrian tribes of Upper and Lower Tyareh and second, to combat the distortion or rewriting of the history of that region by Kurds, Turks and the current Iraqi government who have consistently and systematically undermined the Assyrian identity and history while continuing to deprive modern Assyrians of their political, ethnic and religious rights. For the last two hundred years, the Tyareh tribes played and continue to play a powerful and disproportionate role in defending our nation whether on the battlefield or in the political arena, therefore the history of Tyareh is an integral part of Assyrian history that must be studied and passed down to the next generation of Assyrians. Unfortunately, the contributions of the Tyareh tribes to the Assyrian cause have been diminished, swept under the rug or, at best, acknowledged yet maligned by various pernicious pseudo “Historians”. This website, which is a part of a larger ongoing project to document, translate and archive the history of Tyareh, will hopefully serve as a remedy to that problem and most importantly will be a great educational tool for our youth. The idea for this project was born out of the Tyareh blog that I had created in 2009. The information on Tyareh.org is based on historical facts which are derived from comprehensive academic research. Please be sure to visit the website regularly for constant updates.
Ninos M.
Ninos M.